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Contact Paul Fisher

General Inquiries

If you have questions about the services that CTFS provides, you can contact Paul Fisher by using this form.

Please offer a detailed description of the nature of your inquiry in the message field. In addition, be sure to include your location—state and town are sufficient—so that Paul will be able to address your inquiry accurately.

Tax Preparation Inquiries

If you are contacting CTFS to set your initial tax preparation meeting with Paul Fisher, please use the subject “Set Tax Preparation Meeting” on this form. In addition, please offer an overview of your availability in the subject of your message.

You may refer to the tax preparation process instructions to prepare for your meeting once Paul has confirmed it with you.

IRS Representation

If you are requesting IRS representation, provide the necessary background information—filing year of return, your full legal name, and a summary of the IRS letter—in the message field.

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